

The Aquamarine corresponds to those born in March, as well as a wedding gift for those celebrating their 19th wedding anniversary.

Since ancient times, its history has been linked to the sea and to sailors.

Aquamarines have been used by seamen as amulets for centuries. Sailors believed that aquamarines had magical and/or healing powers if they were carried as talismans, protecting them from the wrath of the Sea God, Poseidon, as though these gems were a gift from the seabed brought up by the sirens themselves.

Centuries ago, Aquamarines were used as an antidote to poison, as an oracle, amulet, healing stone, etc.

The Aquamarine belongs to the BERYL family, (like the Emerald, Morganite, Goshenite, Red Beryl, Green Beryl, Heliodore and Maxixe); and owes its blue-green / blue color to traces of iron.

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